Server Control Panel Basics

Our server control panel offers a lot of functionality, information, and control over your server.  Here is a basic guide to get you up to speed on managing your server.

You can always log into your server management panel by visiting and logging in with your username and password.  Alternatively, you can log into and click "Dashboard" at the top.  You will see a list of your servers where you can click "Login to Panel" which will take you directly to that server's control panel.

At the top of the page you will see several tabs:

  • Console - Displays the server's console output, resource consumption, and other statistics.
  • Files - A file browser and editor for the server's files.  Some games require a configuration file to be edited.  Also allows for uploading and downloading of files to include mods and save files.
  • Databases - Manage any databases associated with your service.
  • Schedules - Set schedules such as a daily restart of the server.
  • Users - Delegate access to your server to friends to allow them control over the server.  This features a permission system so you can delegate basic tasks such as a server restart permission to a user.
  • Backups - Allows creation of snapshots of the server which can be rolled back to.  Most of our packages do not offer this feature but you can request a backup allotment by contacting support.
  • Network - Shows the network configuration of the server.  Some games require more than one port to be available - this will show you what's what.
  • Startup - Shows the core configuration of the server.  For most server types you will be able to edit things like the server's name, join password, admin password, description, etc.  Some games require a file to be edited to manage these settings.
  • Settings - Provides SFTP details so you can use a program like Filezilla or WinSCP to upload files to the server directly instead of using the web interface - this is preferred for uploading large files or when on a slow connection.  You can also rename the server identifier in your panel in the case where you have multiple of the same plan and want to distinguish between them.
  • Activity - This is an audit log of all changes made to your server.

Don't see your question answered?  Email support and we'll not only answer your question but also publish an article addressing the question to help future Friday Nighters!  [email protected]


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